For my sister...
I started writing this almost a year ago. I just could not bring myself to post it. It is very personal. Then the rape of the young woman on New Year’s Eve happened…and it rocked the jiu jitsu community. I still waited. Today I decided I needed to release this burden. Here goes…this is for my sister. I share a lot about myself and my family on this blog, but something that most of you probably don’t know is that I had an older sister. Her name was Melissa. She was four years older than me. When I was little I would follow her around and hang on to her every word, and if she asked me to do something (even if I knew it probably wasn’t a good idea) I did it anyway, she was my big sister after all. We rocked along like this for a while until the little sisters came along and she didn’t really want to play with me anymore, she was four years older than me after all. But, I have really good memories of her and me as ...